A single mistake or moment of poor judgment can lead to consequences that ripple beyond the courtroom. This is what first-time offenders often face.
So, how do Ohio’s sentencing laws impact first-time offenders for drug charges?
Let’s take a look at what these individuals might encounter and what their future could look like.
Ohio’s Drug Laws and How They Work
Ohio classifies drugs into five schedules. These are based on their potential for abuse and medical use. Schedule I drugs, like heroin and LSD, are considered dangerous with no accepted medical use.
On the other hand, Schedule V substances are less addictive. They are often found in prescription medications. Classification plays a role in determining how the law treats drug-related offenses.
For first-time offenders, the penalties are based on the drug and amount. For example:
- Marijuana possession: Marijuana is legal up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis or 15 grams of concentrates. Being arrested with more than 70 grams but less than 100 grams is considered a minor misdemeanor. While you may not end up in jail, you could have a permanent criminal record. Along with that, you may still face a fine of up to $150.
- Harder drugs: Possession of substances like cocaine, methamphetamine, or fentanyl is a different story. Even small amounts of these drugs can result in felony charges.
Ohio’s drug laws consider not just possession but also intent. For example, having larger quantities of a drug could result in trafficking charges. In turn, that can carry much steeper penalties, even for first-time offenders.
What Happens to First-Time Offenders?
For many of these offenders, the biggest concern is avoiding jail time. Not all drug crimes are punished the same way, especially for someone with no prior convictions. In some cases, there are options to avoid harsh penalties.
However, a minor misdemeanor can have lasting effects. A conviction can result in:
- Having a criminal record
- Making it harder to find a job, secure housing, or pursue educational opportunities
That record can follow these individuals for years.
Mandatory Sentencing
These laws require strict, pre-set prison terms for certain crimes. That means judges have no choice but to impose harsh penalties. For someone with no prior record, this can feel like a heavy-handed punishment for a single mistake.
For example, being caught with a large amount of a drug, like heroin or cocaine, can lead to mandatory prison time, even if the drugs were for personal use rather than distribution.
Under Ohio law, the drug’s quantity determines the charge’s severity. If someone is found with more than 20 grams of cocaine or 50 grams of heroin, the charge can escalate to a first-degree felony. This comes with a mandatory sentence ranging from 3 to 11 years in prison.
Judges don’t have the power to consider the person’s background, intent, or the specific circumstances for mandatory sentences.
This one-size-fits-all punishment does not fit everyone. For someone who has never been in trouble with the law, the idea of spending years in prison for a first offense is life-shattering.
It doesn’t just mean time behind bars. It means losing a job, being separated from family, and having a permanent criminal record that makes it harder to rebuild after serving time.
There Are Alternatives
Alternatives are available for those who are not subjected to mandatory sentencing. Programs like Intervention in Lieu of Conviction (ILC) offer a second chance. Participants can complete a treatment or rehabilitation program instead of going through the traditional court process. If they succeed, their charges are dropped, and they avoid having a criminal record.
Don’t Let a Drug Conviction Disrupt Your Life
So, how do Ohio’s sentencing laws impact first-time offenders for drug charges? It depends on the circumstances. Some individuals can find diversion programs, while others might face mandatory sentences.
For many people, their first run-in with the law is a wake-up call. And if you are facing these charges, you don’t want to battle them by yourself. At Hunt Law LLC, we can help defend you from these charges and avoid the potential pitfalls of a conviction. If you want to arrange a free consultation, please contact us at 330-469-9836.