Although riding a motorcycle can be fun and adventurous, there is no debate that motorcycles can be incredibly dangerous. However, you can take some precautions to keep yourself safe on the road. It is essential to review the most common motorcycle accident types to understand how you can avoid them and know what to do if they occur.
Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Left Turns
Motorcycle accidents can occur when a car makes a misjudged left turn in front of you. As a result, the vehicle hits the motorcycle as the rider tries to cross an intersection or overtake the car.
Motorcycle accidents can occur when a car makes a misjudged left turn in front of you. As a result, the vehicle hits the motorcycle as the rider tries to cross an intersection or overtake the car.
Lack of safety gear makes left turn accidents riskier for riders. Therefore, the best way to prevent the severity of injuries caused by these accidents is by wearing suitable safety gear. Besides, you should be aware of the surroundings, anticipate other motorists’ actions, and check indicators that the other motorist might make a left turn. For example, if the other motorist is waiting to turn in an intersection or you see a traffic gap near you, slow down and prepare to evade.
Head-on Collisions
A head-on collision occurs when a motorcycle and a car moving directly toward each other crash. Since riders are more exposed, these accidents can be fatal. In addition, when a head-on collision occurs, there’s a high possibility both the car and the motorcycle were at high speeds, increasing the chance of the rider sustaining or succumbing to the injuries.
An excellent way to prevent a motorcycle accident is by practicing the four R’s introduced by the national safety council. They include:
- Read the road ahead
- Drive to the right
- Reduce speed
- Ride off the road when necessary.
Lane Switching
A significant proportion of motorcycle accidents occur when a motorist decides to switch lanes. Most riders change lanes, mainly when the red traffic light is on. However, the proximity of the moving vehicles makes it difficult for the rider to maneuver. Weaving in and out of lanes is extremely dangerous, especially in high volume and high-speed traffic.
Intoxicated-relate Motorcycle Accidents
Drunk driving is the leading cause of most accidents in the United States. Driving under the influence reduces your reaction time, and since riding requires a lot of focus, it is essential to avoid using drugs or alcohol before getting on a motorcycle. For your safety and the safety of those around you, you also need to pay attention when you suspect an intoxicated driver is overspeeding, tailgating, drifting, and moving close to other vehicles.
Corner Turning Motorcycle Accidents
A corner turning accident occurs when a rider fails to maintain a balance when turning or makes a tight corner turn. Once the tire hits an obstacle, it’s easy to steer away from the road and cause an accident. The best way to avoid corner turning accidents is by slowing down and turning at moderate speeds.
High-speed Motorcycle Crashes
A high-speed crash occurs when a rider moves at high speeds and loses control over the motorcycle. The best way to avoid these accidents is by riding at an appropriate speed and avoiding overspeeding vehicles.
Contact a Youngstown Motorcycle Accident Attorney
At Hunt Law LLC, we are ready to help if you have sustained motorcycle accident injuries due to another person’s negligence. We have what it takes to ensure the liable party or their insurance gives the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a Youngstown motorcycle accident attorney.