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2024 Cannabis Laws in Ohio

2023 was a momentous year for those who supported a change in Ohio’s marijuana laws. In November, voters approved Issue 2, the Marijuana Legalization Initiative. This landmark decision legalizes and regulates recreational marijuana for all adults in the state.  However, this passage has not been without some controversy. So what can residents expect in this…


What You Need to Know About Issue 2 and Marijuana Legalization

As of December 7, Ohioans can legally possess limited amounts of marijuana, thanks to the voters’ approval of Issue 2 in November. However, there is some uncertainty with the new law as lawmakers debate and make last-minute revisions. With these changes, the state must grapple with issues, including enforcement considerations and driving under the influence…


Legal and Illegal Possession of Prescription Medications in Ohio

Prescription medication can help a person manage various health issues. However, if you are in illegal possession of these drugs, it could lead to serious consequences. What is the difference between legal and illegal possession of prescription medications in Ohio? Here are a few points you will need to know to avoid any problems in…

police interrogation

Ohio’s Sentencing Enhancements for Drug Possession Cases  

Sentencing enhancement can increase the penalties in an Ohio drug possession case. Under specific circumstances, these mechanisms impose stricter penalties on those guilty individuals. Learn more about how Ohio’s sentencing enhancements for drug possession cases could affect your case.  Prior Convictions A defendant’s prior criminal record can make a difference during sentencing. The preceding record…

drug paraphernalia

Can You Lose Your License for Drug Paraphernalia Possession in Ohio?

Many people know that possessing drugs in Ohio is illegal, but what about drug paraphernalia? Having these items in your possession can lead to serious legal repercussions, including fines, jail time, and even losing your driver’s license. If you’re interested in learning more about Ohio’s laws regarding drug paraphernalia, here is what you need to…

interstate drug posession

What You Need to Know About Crossing State Lines with Drugs

Interstate drug possession is a serious offense with far-reaching consequences. Individuals caught with controlled substances while crossing state borders may face severe penalties due to the complex interplay of federal and state laws. Understanding the potential repercussions before making a risky decision is important. Here are some key points regarding the grave implications of crossing…