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drug charges

Common Defenses Against Drug Charges in Ohio: What You Need to Know

If you are facing drug-related charges in Ohio, you might be worried about the potential outcome. A conviction can result in fines, imprisonment, and a lasting criminal record. However, a drug charge does not always mean you will be convicted. With a skilled defense lawyer, you may be able to avoid any potential ramifications of…

combating human trafficking

Spotlight on Ohio’s Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking

Unfortunately, human trafficking affects millions of people worldwide, including many individuals within the United States. Ohio has taken measures to fight human trafficking throughout the state.  Let’s put a spotlight on Ohio’s efforts to combat human trafficking. From enacting laws to creating a specialized task force, these efforts are helping stop these crimes from occurring…


How Much Is the Settlement for Human Trafficking in Ohio?

Human trafficking is not an exclusive crime that takes place in big cities. These offenses can happen anywhere in Ohio. Often, these violations leave victims with emotional and physical scars. They may also face financial burdens. In Ohio, lawmakers have taken major steps to empower survivors through civil actions against traffickers.  How much is the…

stop human trafficking

What Resources Does Ohio Offer for Victims of Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking has become a major concern over the years. Often, the victims of these crimes might not know where to turn to get the appropriate resources to help in their situations.  What resources does Ohio offer for victims of human trafficking? Fortunately, the state offers a variety of support services for survivors of these…

human trafficking

Ohio’s Fight Against Human Trafficking: Progress, Challenges, and Strategies

From large cities or small towns, human trafficking can happen in any community in Ohio. The Buckeye State is making an effort to combat these heinous crimes that strip victims of their dignity and freedom. If you want to learn more about Ohio’s fight against human trafficking, let’s examine its progress, challenges, and strategies. What…

opioid epidemic

The Opioid Epidemic in Ohio: Legal Responses and Public Health Strategies

Unfortunately, opioid usage is a concerning issue for many states, including Ohio. With that, many communities are struggling with how to address the opioid crisis effectively. The surge in drug-related deaths has led many to demand strict legal responses and public health strategies to combat these problems. Let’s look at what is happening to fight…